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2023 XINGTU Job Fair
Job fairs and job seminars at Drill Hall
Hosted by Marco Vision, the two-day 2022 Star Career Fair was held at Drill Hall. This event provides all job seekers in Melbourne with thousands of high-quality job resources, opportunities for face-to-face communication with Melbourne’s elite companies. As well as experience sharing from freelance entrepreneurs and senior figures in different industries, they answer questions and help everyone find their own future direction. There are also activities such as VR technology experience, professional photo shooting and resume revision.
由Marco Vision主办,为期两天的2022星途招聘会在Drill Hall举办。此次活动为墨尔本所有的求职者提供上千个优质岗位资源、和墨尔本精英企业面对面交流的机会,以及自由创业者和不同行业资深大咖的经验分享,为大家答疑解惑,帮助每个人寻找到属于自己未来的方向。同时还有VR科技体验、职业照拍摄和修改简历等活动。
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